Our Goal

Would you like to be a shining image of strength, honor, and bravery? When you can perform on an elite level, you will command the respect that you deserve. Our goal is to give you the power and strength to be the man you were destined to be. When you look at yourself in the mirror, who do you see?

They say, “ birds of a feather, flock together”. This means that you will become similar to those that you associate with. When you immerse yourself in a world class training camp, you will begin to perform on a world class level. We want to give you the opportunity to be surrounded with only the best of the best, world-class performers. This way, you will raise your bar to a new level of excellence.

What you can expect from our BJJ Training Camp.

During our camp, you will live BJJ. Expect lots of hours of training, drilling, rolling and discussing how to train your mind to keep pushing and digging when your tanks run empty. You will learn the history behind the art of BJJ and philosophies of the well known Dagestani BJJ community.

What do I learn at the camps?

At the current moment, we specifically concentrate on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Moreover, we focus on the Dagestan style that was developed in the harsh conditions of village life. We will focus on grappling, and improving your ground game. If this sounds like something you are interested in. We will see you soon!